Monday, November 10, 2014

Five minutes a day can prevent shoulder injury

If you are a swimmer, golfer, baseball, basketball or volleyball player, or play any sports that involve throwing, lifting or pulling with your arms, Physical Therapist Rick Junko, of Seattle Hill Road Physical Therapy, says you can save your shoulders with 5 minutes of preventive exercise each day.

“Recreational and serious athletes can enhance shoulder stability and prevent shoulder injury by practicing good posture, maintaining a balance of flexibility and strength in all shoulder muscles, and by following a daily 5-minute easy-to-perform exercise routine,” Junko says.

Lying “L” Flyes can be done while watching TV during your average commercial break.

 Lie on your left side facing away from the TV. Holding a very light weight, less than 5lbs., (a can of soup will do) position your right elbow at your side and your forearm pulled up to a 90 degree “L” in relation to your upper arm. With the forearm resting on your stomach, bring the weight up level with your elbow until your forearm is parallel with the floor. Slowly lower and raise the weight to the same position 10 or 20 times. Then roll to your right side and repeat. When done click the mute button and resume watching your TV show.

A couple of tips: lift the arm as high as comfortable. If you experience discomfort, try inserting a thin pillow or a folded towel between your elbow and torso. The key to doing this exercise effectively is to keep the elbow tight to the torso. Don’t lift the upper arm off the body, or let it slip forward and down. Also keep the torso steady, don’t roll back as you lift the weight.

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